National Cadet Corps
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National Cadet Corps
(a) To develop character, comradeship, the ideal of service and capacity for leadership in young men and women.
(b) To provide service training to young men and women so as to stimulate interest on the defence of the country.

A student is normally enrolled for 3 years in N.C.C. subject to further extension of one year. Enrolment in senior division is generally completed by 31st August each year in prescribed form. Each cadet will be allotted a regimental number issued by the unit from time to time. The N.C.C. coy of Govt. Women’s College, Puri has been allotted the cadet strength of 30 this year and the regimental number allotted to this institution is ORI/SW/11000. Each cadet is required to subscribe Rs. 6.00 per annum towards the N.C.C. fund and the G.I.S.
The success of any unit ultimately depends on how best it fulfils the aims and objects of N.C.C. training for girl cadets. This is only possible through strong will and planned progressive training. The main emphasis is laid on the development of personality of improving turnout behaviour, self -reliance, development of the spirit of service in the nation and teaching of those subjects which are useful during national emergency. To qualify the cadets for various certificate examinations, C-I and C-II (S.W.), the total number of training periods allotted for SW is 120 periods a year for 3 years and each period of 40 minutes duration.

Training is usually imparted for senior wing from August to January. Slight variation may take place due to completion of admission. Training hours will be conducted on the basis of 6 periods (each of 40 minutes duration) a week which will spread over 2/3 days in a week.
Progress in training is only possible if the cadet regularly attends the classes. They must have a minimum 75% of attendance so as to qualify themselves for certain privileges. Cadets regularly attending classes will be selected to attend (a) Annual Training camps and Republic Day Contingent Camp; (b) All India Summer Training camp/Advanced Leadership Course/ Mountaineering course/ special camps outside the state and (c) will be eligible to appear at certificate ‘C’ part I and part II examinations.
The promotion of the cadets to next higher rank will be mainly considered on the ground of attendance along with all other conditions of eligibility. Putting on uniforms during parade hours and punctuality are to be strictly enforced.
Certificate Examinations will be conducted twice in a year for SW for girl cadets i.e. during the annual trg. camp and in the month of March each year.
The following types of camps are organised each year. (a) Annual Trg. Camp during June, (b) All India summer Trg. camps outside Orissa for senior division, (c) Advanced Leadership course, (d) Mountaineering course during April, June, Sept./October at Darjeeling, Manali and Uttar Kasi for S.W. Cadets can attend any one of the above stated camps according to their preferences.
A cadet may be discharged under the following conditions : (a) on completion of 4 years service in S.W., (b) on disciplinary/medical grounds on her services being no longer required (c) on transfer to a non-N.C.C. college.
It develops character, comradeship. Students with N.C.C. qualification are always given preference over other students in many competitive examinations. N.C.C. cadets in the IInd and IVth year of training are eligible to appear at ‘B’ and ‘C’ certificate examinations at the end of the session provided they have attended at least 75% of parades. A graduate with ‘C’ certificate if selected by the Service Selection Board for permanent regular commission in the Army, gets relaxation for three months in the duration of her training. Candidates for Orissa Police Service are given preference if they have passed B and C certificate examinations of the N.C.C.
Other information regarding N.C.C. can be had from the N.C.C. Officer of the college.