College Rules
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College Rules
- The academic session of the collage begins from the 1st June and ends on 31st May.
- The collage office functions from 10.30 4.30 P.M.daily excluding Sundays and holidays, unless otherwise notified in advance.

- Admission to all the classes of the collage is conducted in accordance with the rules stated in the prospectus prepared and circulated by the Directorate of Higher Education, Orissa, Bhubaneswar.
- Students should take their seats before the teacher enters a class room. They should be punctual and should not ordinarily leave their seats during lecture hours.
- As soon as the tutorial / proctorial groups are formed and notified, it is the duty of a student to find out the particular group she has been assigned to. If any student is not included in any of the groups, she must bring it to the notice of the college office forthwith.
- All the tutorial classes should be attended without fail. Written tests will be held in every alternate tutorial class.
- Students of the collge must abide by such orders which may be enforced by the Principal from time to time to maintain discipline otherwise they will be punished by fine, expulsion or rustication.
- Spitting on the walls, floors, pillars, doors of the college and disfiguring the college building are strictly prohibited.
- During leisure hours students should stay in their Common Room and should not loiter in the corridors.
- The day scholars should not post letters from the college. They are not expected to go out during leisure hours. No visitors are allowed to see the day scholars in the college.
- Every student should on every working day look at the College Notice Board placed near the Students’ Common Room, so as to get necessary information regarding all the office orders, decisions and instructions given from time to time.
- No club or society shall be started or maintained in the college without the approval of the Principal.
- No student is allowed to come to the college with cell phone.
Every student of the college is ipso facto a registered student. On first admission into the college or on first admission into the college after migration form another University, a student pays prescribed fee of registration of her name. When the name of a student is struck off the rolls of the college for default in payment of the prescirbed college due or for any other reason and re-admission is sought thereafter, she must pay re-entry fee of Rs. 1/- only.
Those who seek admission to the college after passing the High School Certificate or Higher Secondary Examinations of the Board of Secondary Education, Orissa or CHSE, Orissa shall pay an additional fee for recognition as prescribed by Council/University.
Each year a studnent is to attened in each subject a minimum of 75% of lectures calculated separatedly for theory and practicals in order to be eligible for promotion to next class or for being sent up for the publice examination. The authorities may, however, condone the deficieny of attendance to the extent of 15% only in exceptional cases. There is no law to help a student in case her percentage of attendance falls below the irreducible minimum of 60% during an academic year. Students are advised to bear this fact in mind, and not to absent themselves, otherwise are libal to be detained irrespective of their performance in the examination. The appropriate authorities may also grant condonation to futher extent of 5% in cases of those who are deputed by the Goverment or the college for any purpose.
Student have to attend (a) general lectures (b) practical classes. Studnets are advised to ascertain the practical group assigned to them. The name of every student is entered in the registers for general lectures and in concerned practical registers. It is duty of the student to find out if her name has been entered in the appropriate registers. In case she finds that her name has not been entered in the concerned register she should bring the fact at once to the notice of the Principal in writing. The Principal will not entertain any complaint at a later stage that a student fell short of the prescribed percentage on the ground her name has not been entered in the appropriate registers in time.
The proctorial system has been introduced in the college for developing intimate relationship between the students and teachers for timely guidance and advice in academic and other matters. Under this system a batch of sixteen to twenty four students are entrusted to the charge of a teacher whom the students meet on dates and at places previously fixed and put forth their difficulties for advice. Moreover, information regarding the academic performance, attendance in the classes and other matters in respect of every student is sent to the guardian twice a session. Necessary guidelines regarding the duties and functions of the proctor are reproduced below for reference :-
- Every student will be placed under the charge of a proctor who shall always be a member of the teaching staff.
- The student shall meet the proctor at least once or as many times as necessary and discuss with him/her difficulties and problems.
- The student shall furnish required information to the proctor for the maintenance of the proctorial record.
- No student shall ordinarily leave hedquarters without informing the proctor.
- No student can oridinarily meet the Principal on official business without obtaining permission from the proctor, nor can any application be submitted without recommendation by the proctor.
- Any adverse report against a student by the proctor will be seriously viewed and dealt with accordingly.
- The monthly tuition fees and other fees of a student will only be accepted after submission of the monthly proctorial record by the proctor.
- No help from any source or any other form of assistance will be given to a student unless recommended by the proctor.
- The promotion in the college examinations and the issue of the final conduct and transfer certificates from the college will also be based on the proctorial record of a student during the period of her study in the college.