College Hostel
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College Hostel
- The college hostel was renamed “Banirupa Women’s Hostel on the Teachers Day, the 5th Sept. 2005.
- Students seeking admission to the hostel are to apply in the proper form duly filled in and signed by them and their natural guardians to the Principal of the College along with their applicaion for admission into the College.

- Each legal guardian or each local guardian of boarders is requested to submit three specimen signatures either to the Superintendent or to the Matron of the hostel on the date of admission of their wards.
- The boarders are under the direct control of the Principal who is the ex-officio warden not only during the college hours but also beyond the college hours during the college academic session.
- For leave or absence from the hostel, written permission in all cases be obtained 24 hours in advance, either from the Principal or from the Superintendent as the latter directs. It will not be granted unless a written request is made by the parent or the guardian.
- Boarders can go home on their own risk, if they obtain authentic permission letter of their parents. Local guardians are permitted to escort their wards duly submitting application.
- In case a boarder overstays her leave, she has to produce satisfactory written explanation from her parent or guardians, so as to be excused by Superintedent failling which she may be punished at the discretion of the Principal.
- If a boarder attends classes by staying outside instead of staying in the hostel, continuously for one week, she will forfeit her hostel seat.
- In order to leave the hostel a boarder has to (a) submit her guardian’s application, (b) obtain previous permission of the Superintendent, (c) pay all outstanding dues of the hostel.
- The hostel is closed during Puja and Summer Vacations. Boarders are to submit applications of their guardians at least 4 days before such hoildays begin.
- The following parctices are forbidden in the hostel : (a) Introduction of any unauthorised person into the hostel: (b) Bringing to the hostel such reading materials which are not in the approved list of the Government ; (c) Singing or playing instruments during hours not specified by the Superintendent ; (d) Organising meeting without the approval of the Superintendent.
- Boarding is regulated by certain rules : (a) Boarders should take their meals during the appointed hours in the dining space only. (b) Boarders should take care of the furniture supplied to them so as not to cause any damage.
- Parents, local guardians and persons whose name are recommended in the admission forms by the parents are entitled to visit the boarders during the visiting hours. Parents staying outside are permitted to visit their wards on any day at any time from 8 8 P.M. Visitors can meet the boarders from 5 P.M. to 6.30 P.M. On Sundays the time is fixed from 8 A.M. to 11 A.M and from 2 P.M. to 5 P.M. Boarders can talk with their visitiors for not more than 15 minutes. Boarders cannot meet their relations during college hours. In exceptional cases guardians can see their wards with the permission of the Principal and the Superintedent.
- Elderly and responsible, persons staying at Puri with family should, preferably, be chosen as local guardians.
- There should, if possible, be a common room in the hostel. The hostel common room rules suould be framed by the Superintedednt.
- The hours fixed for study are 7.30 A.M to 9 A.M., 6.30 P.M. to 9.30 P.M and 10 P.M. to 11 P.M. There is no study hour on Saturday nights and on Sundays.
- Boarders should in all cases obtain the permission of the Principal through the Superintendent before joining or taking part in any association outside the college.
- The Superintendent will be responsible for the maintenance of order and discipline and has power to pubnish any boarder for the breach of discipline. All cases of gross misconduct shall be reported to the Principal.
- The following will be considered as breach of discipline : (1) Absence from the hostel without leave, (2) Participation in agitational / unlawful activities, (3) Continued negligence in study, (4) Want of cleanliness and tidiness in the room, (5) Writing on or in any other way disfiguring the walls, doors or windows of the building, (6) Spitting in the room and verandahs and throwing torn paper and leaves on the verandahs. (7) Holding of any special meeting in hostel without prior permission of the Superintendent. (b) A boarder may be removed from the hostel on the report of Superintendent on grounds of misconduct of any description.
- In cases of communicable diseases, the hostel authority may expel a boarder from hostel if she refuses to be isolated.
- The local guardians are generally allowed to take wards out of the hostel on permission of the Superintendent once in a month. Application should reach the Superintendent at least one day before.
- All letters and communication etc. are to be sent or received through the Superintendent.
- Boarders are not allowed to post their own letters.
- There will be roll call in the evening after the prayer. At 11 P.M. the lights will go off. Complete silence will be observed in the hostel after the roll call.
- Mess dues : (1) During the first week of every month fees will be collected. The boarders failing to clear their dues will be fined Re.1.00per day. (2) Each boarder will have either to take at least 1/3rd (one third) of maximum number of meals prepared for a boarder during the month or she has to pay the 1\3rd of the total charges for a boarderfor the month. (3) The following fees will be collectedfor the hostel : (A) Annual fees (to be collected at the time of admission into hostel) : (i) Common room fee Rs. 4.00 (ii) Electric Repairing and office Maintenance fee Rs 15.00 (iii) Furniture improvement fee Rs. 10.00 (iv) Hostel Anniversary fee Rs. 5.00 (v) Hostel Caution money (refundable) Rs. 200.00 (vi) Hostel improvement fee Rs. 12.00 (vii) Magazine fee Rs. 20.00 (viii) Medical Charges Rs. 2.00 (ix) Mess Advance (refundable) Rs. 200.00 (x) Miscellaneous fee Rs. 2.00 (xi) Puja subscription Rs. 10.00 (xii) Social Service Guild fee Rs. 2.00 (xiii) Utensil charges Rs. 10.00 (B) Monthly dues (i) Electrical & Water Charges Rs. 70.00 (ii) Establishment Charges Rs. 70.00 (iii) Food Charges Rs. 650.00 (iv) Telephone Charges Rs. 10.00
Note :
(1) Hostel Caution Money after deduction of Rs. 10.00 (Rupees ten only), will be returned when the boarder leaves the hostel.
(2) Electricity & Water charges, establishment charges and food chargesmay vary from time to time dependingon actual bills.
(1) Hostel Caution Money after deduction of Rs. 10.00 (Rupees ten only), will be returned when the boarder leaves the hostel.
(2) Electricity & Water charges, establishment charges and food chargesmay vary from time to time dependingon actual bills.